6/01/00 CyberMyst
(RoastedPeanut kills an Orc, an Orc that Zero_Cool133 had been trying to kill and just about had dead)
*RoastedPeanut slashes the Orc with the magical blade. (-37)
(in pm’s)
*Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) u basterd
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) you spelled bastard wrong
*Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) Fuck u u loser
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) there is no reason to say u twice either because the first u designates the
subject of the "fuck u" and also "loser"
*Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) U ARE A DOGFUCKING LOSER
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) okay, that is a bit better, but do you think you have to yell?
*Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) YEAH I BLOODY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) well, it is not very nice of you to yell you know?
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) I took your kill? perhaps you should consider taking your pills? I'm only
here to help you
*Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) WHAT THE FUCK ARE U TALKING ABOUT?
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) I'm talking about you getting some help, you seem to have a problem
with aggression, have you sought any professional help about it?
*Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) if ur here to help me then give me ur magical blade!
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) I can't, it is a special blade given to me by a dear friend
*Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) well I would like to have one
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) it's easy to get one, it's a neat trick, you punch the west wall 111 times in
room 24.25
*Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) u better not be lying
*RoastedPeanut* (209.50.5) I would never lie, people that play this game have honor, a responsibility
to speak the truth!!
(of course, in room 24.25…)
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 392 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 391 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 390 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 389 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 388 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 387 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 386 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 385 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 384 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 383 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 382 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 381 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 380 )
*** Grannie (209.50.5)
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 379 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 378 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 377 )
* Grannie picks up a magical blade
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 364 )
[Grannie] HOLY SHIT!!!!
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 363 )
*** Signoff Grannie.
*** Timmie (209.50.5)
* Zero_Cool133 picks up the large sword
[Timmie] How the hell??? How did that Grannie person get a magical blade???
[Zero_Cool133] just punch the wall 111 times and it appers, so if one appers its mine okay?
[Timmie] NOOOOOO, I want it dammit!!
(of course, it started again, after about 400 hits on the wall)
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 354 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 353 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 352 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 351 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 350 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 349 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 348 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 347 )
[Timmie] Hmmm?
[Zero_Cool133] FUCK EVERY ONE!
[Timmie] where did that blade go?
[Timmie] I know I saw it
[Zero_Cool133] MABY SOME ONE TOOK IT, LIKE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Zero_Cool133 buys the leather belt
[Timmie] I would never steal your blade man
[Zero_Cool133] how do i know that
[Timmie] I do like your belt though, is that an Armani?
[Zero_Cool133] i dontknow?
[Zero_Cool133] mabye that other guy took it
[Timmie] HOLY SHIT, that Zimbabwe guy, he has a blade!!!
[Zero_Cool133] that bastard
[Zero_Cool133] ask him how he got it
[Timmie] He just told me he found it on the floor in here, do you think it was yours???
[Zero_Cool133] i know u have to punch the WEST wall
[Zero_Cool133] yeah i do think it was mine, ask him if he will give it to me!
[Zero_Cool133] well did u ask him?
[Timmie] He says no way, he says *Zimbabwe * (64.40.72) I don't have to give it back, he didn't buy
[Timmie] I think that is rather rude of him myself
[Zero_Cool133] well tell him that he is A STUPID FAGGOT ARSED LUPM OF DOG
(of course, others are drawn into the magical wall punching trick to get a blade)
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 14 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 13 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 12 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 11 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 10 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 9 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 8 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 7 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 6 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 5 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 4 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 3 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 2 )
* dragon throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 1 )
(and once again…)
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 18 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 17 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 16 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 15 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 14 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 13 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 12 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 11 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 10 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 9 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 8 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 7 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 6 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 5 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 4 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 3 )
[Zero_Cool133] did it happen
[Zero_Cool133] well did it?
[Timmie] Hell, I have no idea, I saw Zimbabwe in here again, did he pick it up again???
[Zero_Cool133] NO ONE HAD BETTER HAVE TAKEN IT!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(at this point, Zimbabwe *who was given a blade by an op* receives some strange pm’s)
*Zimbabwe* (64.40.72) WOAH *L*.. haha
*Zimbabwe* (64.40.72) *Zero_Cool133* (203.87.14) U PIECE OF SHIT GIVE ME MY FUCKING
BLADE , nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(back in 24.25, things are really heating up)
[Zero_Cool133] that is it, WE NEED TO KILL ZIMBABWE, everyone work together!!!
[dragon] it no good, all of us don’t have enuf hp and you kill him you won’t get it bak
[Zero_Cool133] ive all ready got a broad axe!
[Timmie] Lord Tarran, we need your help to kill someone
[Lord_Tarran] you have to be level 15 or higher to drop items from the store when you die.. if you
are under level 15 and are slain the items just disapear
[dragon] hes got a magical blade acording to timmie
[Timmie] DAMMIT< we need to kill that bastard!!!
[Timmie] he stole our blade
[Timmie] You need to buy us magical blades
[Timmie] NOW!!!
(at this point, Zimbabwe enters 24.25)
* Zimbabwe magically creates a chain mail.
[Zimbabwe] There!
[Timmie] Zimbabwe, you jerk!!! GIVE US OUR BLADES!!!
[Zimbabwe] I gave you a chain mail!
[Zero_Cool133] so there crap, drop our blades NOW!!!!!!!!
[Zero_Cool133] I’m making another one, LEAVE IT ALONE!!!
(of course, here we go again)
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 18 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 17 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 16 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 15 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 14 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 13 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 12 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 11 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 10 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 9 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 8 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 7 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 6 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 5 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 4 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 3 )
* Zimbabwe picks up the magical blade.
* Zimbabwe picks up the magical blade.
[Zero_Cool133] where is it?
[Zero_Cool133] drop them!
[Zimbabwe] WOOHOO!
[dragon] i saw that
[Timmie] OH MY GOD!!!
[Zimbabwe] I have a LOT of Magical blades! yeehaw!
[Timmie] YOU JERK!!!
[dragon] just give them back
[Zimbabwe] NO!
[Zimbabwe] IT IS MINE!
[Zimbabwe] I earned it
[Zero_Cool133] lord could u do it again please cause my HP will run out quick and urs wont
* Zimbabwe sells the magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins!
* Lord_Tarran picks up the magical blade
[Lord_Tarran] cool!!! I got one!!!
[Zero_Cool133] PLEASE LET ME HAVE IT!!!!!!!
* Zimbabwe sells the magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins!
* Zimbabwe sells the magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins!
* Zimbabwe sells the magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins!
* Zimbabwe sells the magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins!
* Zimbabwe sells the magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins!
* Zimbabwe sells the magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins!
[Zimbabwe] hha there goes all of them!
[Timmie] OH MY GOD you are going to pay!!!
* Lord_Tarran sells the magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins!
[Lord_Tarran] hmm I already got one.... didn't need it
[Timmie] YOU JERKS!@!
[Zimbabwe] hahah
[Zero_Cool133] FAGS!
[Zero_Cool133] ur freinds arent ya both of yas
[Timmie] I can't take this anymore, I'm going to go beat off
*** Signoff Timmie.
(and some time later…the wall is once again being severely beaten)
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 340 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 339 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 338 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 337 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 336 )
[Zero_Cool133] did anyone pick up a blade?
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 335 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 334 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 333 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 332 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 331 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 330 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 329 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 328 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 327 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 326 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 325 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 324 )
* Zero_Cool133 throws a punch but hits the wall instead. ( 323 )
[Zero_Cool133] FUCK YAS ALLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Zero_Cool133] FAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Zero_Cool133] DOG SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Minion] What is going on?
[Minion] Am I missing something here?
[Zero_Cool133] i did a cheat to get a magicle blade and someone took it
[Minion] ahh, yes, hitting the wall 111 times, that works really good
[Zero_Cool133] i does actusally accept someone keeps stealing them!~
[Minion] who keeps taking it?
[Zero_Cool133] that fucking prick, FUCKING PRICK ZIMBABWE
* RoastedPeanut picks up a magical blade
* RoastedPeanut sells a magical blade to the shopkeeper for 0 coins.
[RoastedPeanut] DAMMIT, that is bullshit
* RoastedPeanut buys the steel helmet
[Zero_Cool133] GIVE ME A MAGICAL BLADE!!!!!!!!!!!!