11/21/01 Forest

*** legs4days (24.4.252) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as legs4days enters the
clearing between the trees.
[fraNk] legs4days? what then, parapalegic?
[fraNk] are you from the movie Splash or what, daryl hannah?
* fraNk gets a hose and sprays legs
[fraNk] nope, guess not, sorry about that
[legs4days] long legs
[fraNk] I'll bet your legs are 8 feet long with feet size 23

11/21/01 Forest

[bransraven] I use to not really follow signs either, untill I really started paying attention to peoples
personalities more...and I often found many things to be in sink with signs. It wasn't untill I started dating this
guy who had the exact same Bday as me, that I really noticed it. We were like almost exactly the same person.
[fraNk] LIAR
[fraNk] I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT!!!! *shakes fist in air*
[fraNk] hmm, birthdays of old girlfriends, sep 14, jun 22, oct 17, those are the only ones I can
[bransraven] Sep 14...Virgo. June 22...cancer. Oct 17...Libra....That is a pretty wide spread there.
[fraNk] yes brans, the June 22nd one was spread the widest of all, I don't think there ever was a time when she wasn't spread
[fraNk] except maybe when I was around

11/21/01 Forest

*** sasaf (198.26.130) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as sasaf enters the clearing
between the trees.
[sasaf] hi hi hi alliya!!! me pinoy boy!!!
[alliya] who?
[sasaf] whaaaaaaaaaa??? ///... ar yu dar????
[alliya] uh, yeah.
[sasaf] hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......... me sexy!!!! hi hi hi, alliya!!!
[Alamarxism] Heh heh.
[sasaf] whaaaaaaaaaaa??? helo?? allliya sexy yes?
[sasaf] I PINOY from malay hi hi hi you want me date??? yes///... oka!!
[Alamarxism] This feels like a fraNk-style display.
[alliya] *LMAO*
[alliya] yes
[alliya] it is
[sasaf] me to take off clothes, so for some fun alliya hi hi hi!!............
[sasaf] whaaaaaaaaaaa///>>> frank??
[alliya] and he does it so perfectly
*** sasaf is now known as fraNk.
[fraNk] mwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
* fraNk bows
[fraNk] yes, the room needed a bit of that 'asian' feel

11/21/01 Forest

[mellon] some people are such idiots
[fraNk] I try not to be but I guess I always revert back to my roots
[mellon] how dare they give it a bad review. you IDIOT. HOW dare you make the rating go down.
[mellon] he gave it no stars out of 5! WTF!
[fraNk] mellon are you rating your new cd on Yahoo music?? *L*
[mellon] i am going to mail this guy.
[fraNk] dear ashole, in reference to your rating of the new smashing pumpkins cd, I would like to let
you know that you are an ignorant stinking pile of cow dung with no sense of artistic integrity at all. I don't ever
want to catch you anywhere near a rock and roll album's rating again, you don't see me rating Alabama or
Chesney Hawk albums do you??? So you take your I LIEK MILK and Wrangler jeans and ho ho ho your
smelly ass back to asia!! - mellon
[mellon] yes. well.
[Alamarxism] Man, fraNk really hates asians lately. *L*
[mellon] it would read something like that

11/21/01 Forest

[fraNk] YES!!!
*** Carmen has been magically summoned by fraNk to Forest!
[mellon] woah *L*
[Carmen] Hello...*g*
[mellon] *laughs* hi Carmen
[Carmen] But I've already HAD my Thanksgiving... a month ago!
[fraNk] oh, you can never give enough thanks *L*
* fraNk makes the turkey, mellon is working on the stuffing
[fraNk] I thought we would have another guest, but I GUEST NOT!!!
[fraNk] get it, guess is guest, mwaa hahahah, don't worry folks, I'll be here all night
* Carmen LOVES turkey though.... ??!
[fraNk] Carmen?? a/s/l???!?!?!? hi hi hi?? PINOYBOY??? WHAAAAAA??? TURKEY??
[fraNk] *LMAO*
[mellon] LOL
*** Carly has been magically summoned by fraNk to Forest!
[fraNk] Carly, how did you get in here???? *inquisitive look?*
[Carly] ummm how did I end up in here?
[Alamarxism] Well, this is a wonderous gathering of people.
[fraNk] thank you Alamarx, would you like to cut the turkey???
[mellon] i am cooking turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, corn pudding,
sweet potatoes, rolls, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, coconut cream pie.
[fraNk] I am cooking yams, cream corn, turkey, stuffing, tube steak, mashed potatos, man gravy,
rolls, pumpkin pie, chocolate cream pie, pecan pie, and green bean casserole
[fraNk] I will bring the turky for us
*** naked_turkey has been magically summoned by fraNk to Forest!
* naked_turkey cluks
[naked_turkey] will someone pluck me
[naked_turkey] yum...eats people food at fraNks
[fraNk] I want to pluck that turkey till the gravy spills from my baster
* Carly stays away from turkey basters
* Carly looks at fraNk whoa your in serious need of help if you wanna pluck that turkey *L*
[mellon] *L*
[fraNk] mellon wants some serious turkey plucking
[fraNk] I think

11/21/01 Teens16_19

[AMERICARULZ] Well Im gonna go to sleep now, safe in the fact that all the BAD PEOPLE are
being killed right now
[SirSmokeALot_] AMERICARULZ hahahahhaha
[PendraGon] americans are just a bunch of retarde people who dont know what the f*** is going on
in the world.
*** KickPendraGon by SirSmokeALot_ (country bash).
[bachelorguy17] are u a terrorist??
[G] He probably is a terrorist
[AMERICARULZ] Yes In America It is legal to get your dick sucked. Unlike some other countries
*** KICK WARNING User AMERICARULZ warned by ShadowKnight 2754 ( Teens16_19 )
(lewd. and that certainly makes for a great country )
*** Ban Nick AMERICARULZ by SirSmokeALot_ (lewd after lewd..been warning you since 4
hours ago).

11/25/01 Teens16_19

*** KICK WARNING User dickface warned by SevereWeather 516 ( Teens16_19 ) ( nick change
please )
[Hitoshi] that dickface guy has a big nose
[hotguymn] , RoXy_GiRL u feeling horny at all
*** KICK WARNING User hotguymn warned by Hitoshi 888 ( Teens16_19 ) ( she has no antlers,
solicit )
[LessThanJake] haha@Hitoshi
[RoXy_GiRL] thank you Hitoshi
[Hitoshi] HO HO HO
[PhiMuAlpha] Hotoshi is gay
[PhiMuAlpha] gonna kick me for that?
[PhiMuAlpha] what a low life scumbag
*** Kick PhiMuAlpha by Hitoshi (insults, ho ho ho, I liek milk).
[mellon] omg lmfao
[bMxE] *lmao* wtf Hitoshi.
[RoXy_GiRL] *L* what does Roxy have to do with milk?? *L* I'm confuzzed
[jukka] go Hiroshima!

11/25/01 personal messages

*let me first tell you, I DID not message this guy, and hadn’t talked to him, when out of the blue, there he was in my buffer*

*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) hey you little fag,why dont you suck your rpete dick,and
leave people alone,or are you just a natural born asshole?
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* uhm, do I know you, and was that just an overature for sex?
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) sex.ha dont you wish...
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* not really, although I would have to admit that if I ever did try butt sex, a
penis as small as yours would certainly not be much to deal with *S* thanks for offering, but not at this point in
my life okay?
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) yeah as your sister how small it is,but i bet you give
blowjobs..nerds like you always do.
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* seriously, that was you with my sister? I had never seen her laugh so hard
about anything in her life as when she talked about you with her friends the next day
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) was that your dick she was sucking when i was fucking her
from behind,your sister has got some raunchy pussy
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) look man i dont want any hassle,just dont want you
bothering me or lilgoddess
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* I never bothered her, she messaged me and asked about my penis
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) well i think your a fucking cocksucker what..does that make
you mad..what..i know your a homo...but even some of them can fight back what in other words dont be a
pussy what
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* I'm sorry, I am unable to decipher your last transmission, I will have to access
www.dipshit.com/translation.html to translate your buttery gibberish, can you hold the line?
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) well i knew you were a retard
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* hey, I wanted to tell you congratulations, by the way : )
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) i dont want shit from you..cocksucker
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* no seriously, you deserve kudos, I'm not kidding
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) i aint falling for your little set up, fuck off
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* well, you certainly need anger management classes, have you ever thought
of medication? I would recommend suicide though
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) just like your father...damn thanks for the advice..you
cocksucker..i hope you catch a bullet right in that smart mouth of yours
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* I do too, can you imagine the publicity? sexy witty intelligent man also
able to stop speeding bullet with teeth, I would go on Jay Leno and Oprah and say I owe it all to you, by the
way, isn't Oprah your aunt, how about getting me the inside track to the show, or maybe the book club of the
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) hahaha.god your so funny not,your about the dumbest
unclefucker ive ever met..*L* i bet you jack off to rosie..LMAO..and how did you know oprah had a book club
you gaywad.
sent to -> *ALMOST_PERFECT* If I'm jacking off I'm using rosie, and usually there isn't much of a need for
that, also, i didn't know Oprah had a book of the month club, thank you for confirming that though, say, aren't
you coming up soon on Maury Povich show, Animals And The Men Who Love Them?
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) damn frank i hope your not being funny on purpose..cause
you so suck...anyways were not talking about your family and its history with animals,i mean it obvious.that
your om screwed a jackass,and you were the result
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* we should really sit down sometime and talk about this anomosity towards
others that you have, you appear to be holding a lot of aggression inside of you, in my professional opinion you
must have had a late night sneaky uncle, or perhaps you were breast fed till the age of 17, either way, let's
discuss this okay?
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) hahaha,there you go..some more lame weak shit..that you
think is so funny..you dont get out much do you?and i know a dweeb like you cant score a piece of ass so..and
your sister dont count
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* look, as much as I enjoy this entertaining chat with you, I have to go cook
up a meal for my security detail, and I'm sure you have some 2nd grade homework to do, so why don't you get
that long division started and I'm going to go make some rice with cheese and broccoli and some chicken
breasts, deal?
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) yeah fuck you..dont burn the house down barney..security
gaurd shouldve known fucking looser
sent to-> *ALMOST_PERFECT* okay, thanks for the advice, I have enjoyed out time together
*ALMOST_PERFECT* (209.240.222) oh one more thing FUCKYOU!!!!!!!!DICKHEAD
*** User ALMOST_PERFECT is ignoring messages!

11/25/01 Forest

[Aeowyn] I have a headache.
[WhiteWolf] i have an ass ache.
[kNarf] sorry about that WhiteWolf, I was drunk, you had long hair and lipstick on

11/25/01 Forest

[Sexytease] What kind of a name is Knarf... reminds me of Braff!
[kNarf] it's fraNk backwards you crazy perv
[WhiteWolf] What kind of nick is "Seaxytease"? remindes me of a hoe
* kNarf grabs Sexytease and uncovers some potatos in his garden

11/25/01 Forest

* fraNk] this song is almost as good as sleeping with 667
[fraNk] but not quite
[sixsixseven] no song can match my uncontrollable loins
[Mink] hmmmm..... something I should know about here? *L*
[fraNk] masterfoil loins, spelunker of the year in last months Cave magazine, for the wonderous
exploration of Belly Cave
[ChildofWar] The Adventure of the Century.
[sixsixseven] i discovered new territory
[Mink] get away from my cave you sick enima wielding batsturd!
[fraNk] not me, Belly Cave is off limits too all but one, you misread *L*
[sixsixseven] i got exclusive probing rights.. its all negotiated in the contract
[Mink] belly cave is off limits to everyone. That is an exit not an enterance
[sixsixseven] heheh he meant a different cave i think sweetie
[Mink] I'm touchy after that whole enema experience
[ChildofWar] I think belly has the wrong idea for which cave we're talking about.
[ChildofWar] Unless she poops out of her quim.
[ChildofWar] And if that's the case, I wonder what 667's breath smells like! Hi-yo!
[fraNk] OMFG *LMFAO* not that cave, hahahhaahaha, I imagine only an 'accidental' entry would
occur there, and even then only a partial *L*
[fraNk] I wondered wtf you were talking about, enima wielding basturd? of what? vinager and
water? what is pi up to????
[sixsixseven] i thought it would be kinky fun.. we didnt know what we were getting into i swear
[fraNk] well, I offer this advice, lots of lube and even more alcohol *nods*
[sixsixseven] oh yeah franks in the military.. he knows these things.. thats practically the same as
being in prison
[fraNk] yes, my supervising officer has ruled out the wearing of pants for the duration of my tour of
[Mink] nay nay.... I went to the doctor and they thought I had apendicitus and they PROBED ME!!
[fraNk] I think the doctor just wanted to get a look at that 'HOT PIECE OF ACE' as Chris Farley
would say
[fraNk] not that I think your ass is hot, just what the doctor says
[Mink] it was a girl doctor *scowls*

11/25/01 Forest

*** Neptune (209.211.143) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as Neptune enters the clearing
between the trees.
*** Neptune (209.211.143) has left location Forest
[Aeowyn] And entire planet just came in here and left, and I missed it.
[kNarf] it was only Neptune, Saturn has a better body, and rings

11/28/01 Forest

*** Hangman player Kazoo wins!!! 100 % of 1 games rank=257 points=00026 Click Here to Play
[Kazoo] Um.
[Kazoo] I am not playing Fagman.
*** Hangman player Kazoo wins!!! 100 % of 2 games rank=231 points=00052 Click Here to Play
*** Hangman player Kazoo wins!!! 200 % of 1 games rank=156 points=00127 Click Here to Play
[JimiGnomeRoya] Hahaha.
[JimiGnomeRoya] 200 % says Hangman! What a crazy party!
*** Hangman player Kazoo wins!!! 150 % of 2 games rank=180 points=00103 Click Here to Play
[Kazoo] LOL what the hell
*** Hangman player Kazoo wins!!! 200 % of 1 games rank=156 points=00127 Click Here to Play
*** Hangman player Kazoo wins!!! 300 % of 1 games rank=88 points=00228 Click Here to Play
[fraNk] what the hell is that????
[fraNk] 300%???? you are ranked higher than 99 percent of the idiots on this chat and you've only
played one game hahahahahahah
[Kazoo] One game and I'm up in the rank 88. HOORAY FOR IMPOSSIBLE PERCENTAGES!
[fraNk] I'm glad you can win 1 game 3 times, Kazoo, YOU CHEATING HOMO!!!! **L
*** Hangman player Kazoo wins!!! 400 % of 1 games rank=59 points=00329 Click Here to Play
[fraNk] *LMFGDAO*
[fraNk] this is honestly too damn much
[fraNk] OH? you are still winning that ONE game??? CHEATER CHEATER PUTTY EATER!!!!
*** Hangman player Kazoo wins!!! 500 % of 1 games rank=51 points=00430 Click Here to Play
[Kazoo] lmfaaaaaooooo
[Kazoo] I don't even have the goddamn window open. MENTAL HANGMAN FISTING DOES
[fraNk] oh lord, you are going to win it all!!!! ALL OF IT!!! WITH ONE GAME!!!
[Kazoo] Well, I did get 500% of my games won.
[fraNk] Well, you always were such an over achiever