3/08/00 Forest
[thygher] $30!!! Is that paso's or something??? Jeez! I can get a whole cow down the street for that!!!
[thygher] You can get bbq steak for about $5/kg, and premium rump or something for about $10 -
* thygher recently ate out and got a 600g steak about 12" long and 1 1/2" thick...aaaaabbbbsolutely
[Pez] 600g? Wow...and I have no idea what a g is, but wow none the less.
[Laud] 600 thousand dollars? wow.. that's an expencive steak..
[fraNk] Pez, a g is about 2.4 lbs
3/08/00 Forest
[fraNk] I remember as a child in of about 12 years of age, I was in the attic during a thunderstorm,
and the storm was furious, well, I opened the window and was taking a wizz and my penis was hit by
lightning, I think it may have affected me
[Pez] Then he carved a lightning bolt into his penis, and later won the World Series with it.
[Pez] Mostly he bunted. Heh.
3/08/00 Forest
[Doodly15] q=
[jfk] q;-)
[Doodly15] q=)
[jfk] i love you
[Doodly15] stop to cruze some men jfk
[fraNk] Doodly and jfk must be lovers, in a torrid argument
[jfk] you suck
[jfk] quebec
[fraNk] I have never sucked quebec, only british columbia
3/09/00 Forest
[jappy] I'm back!!!
[poet] you're front!
3/10/00 Think_Café
[Kahuna] diary products are not good for adults over the age of three
* jappy suddenly appears riding a large black and white dairy cow *hahahahaahaha, take a nipple
Kahuna, you know you want to *L*
[Fox_Mulder] I've come to the concensus that living is bad for your health.
[jappy] Fox, that is very true, I think some of the happiest people are dead
3/14/00 Forest
*** Orfinani (#12.32.2#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing
between the trees.
[fraNk] ORFINANI!!! *runNjumptackledisrobehumphumphumpsmokecigarettehello!!!
3/14/00 Forest
* Ruby gets a tetanus booster...again
[fraNk] you got a titNass booster? sounds fun, why didn't you call me? I have a nice camera
3/15/00 fraNksCabin
*** Signoff Leyra (#205.188.198#) (*leaves, trips over both dogs, breaks her neck and misses another
day of work* yay...).
[Minion] you would probably miss about 3 days of work if you broke your neck, unless you are a
rodeo clown, then four days
[Nell] i know a guy who busted his neck.. he dove into a pool when he was drunk and hit his head
onthe bottom
[Minion] *L* that is kind of stupid
[frtknckr] ouch
[Nell] well it was an accident ig uess.. i dunno 8shrugs* he's perfectly fine though.. and hot as all
hell.. to obad he's married and has two kids *L*
[Minion] Baby janice was 11 months old when her life was tragically cut short by a drunken chatter!!
3/15/00 Teens16_19
[mArZ] As The Alamak Turns
[WhatTheHell] The Young and The Alamak
[Trishaa] All my Alamakers
[BillyKidman] Ron is the star of Days of our Alamak Lives
[Trishaa] General Alamak
[Minion] The Days of Our Alamak?
[BillyKidman] General Alamak
[Minion] Sunset Alamak
[BillyKidman] Alamak's Creek
[Minion] All My Alamak Children
[BillyKidman] Alamak Place
[mArZ] Day's Of Our Alamakers
[BillyKidman] Alamak the Vampire Slayer
[Trishaa] and kiss the lips of the one who can sing so sweeeet and I blah blah u are my alamak for life
[best_before] Canadian Alamak
[Minion] Alamak Hills 90210
[courtney7] Alamak 90210
[Trishaa] 9021-Alamak.
[best_before] Alamak in the middle
[BillyKidman] The Alamak Carey SHow
[courtney7] Get Real (Alamak)
[Trishaa] Alamak's Creek
[Minion] Worlds Wildest Alamak Videos
[BillyKidman] Who wants to be an Alamakaire.
[Trishaa] X-Alamak
[best_before] Whos alamak is it anyways?
[Minion] Alamak Springer
[mArZ] Party of Alamak
[BillyKidman] Who wants to marry a mulit-alamakaire?
[Minion] The Late Night Show with Alamak
[BillyKidman] The Alamak is right!
[Trishaa] that Alamak's Show
[sabrina007] Freaks of the world**alamak
[Trishaa] Sabrina the Teenage Alamak
[BillyKidman] A&E Biography: Alamak
[Trishaa] Boy meets Alamak
[WhatTheHell] Alamak Wars, Return of the Alamak, and of course The Alamak Strikes Back
[Trishaa] Jack and Alamak
[Trishaa] The Rosie O"Alamak Show
[dragon_tears] the dukes of alamak
[best_before] Oprah Alamak
[Trishaa] Regis and ALamak Lee
[sabrina007] haha Oprah Alamak
[Minion] I'm back, for Beavis and Alamak!!!
[Minion] It's Saturday Night Alamak!!
[best_before] Southalamak
[Trishaa] Anyone see last weeks Road ALamak or The Alamak World?
[CliffE] Alamak the Teenage Witch?
[best_before] Hockey night in Alamak
[Trishaa] Buffy The Alamak Slayer
[Minion] Sesame Alamak?
[Minion] 321 Alamak
[best_before] Fresh Alamak of Belair
[Trishaa] Alamak Can Cook.
[Minion] Boy Meets Alamak
[best_before] Alamak Inprovement
[Minion] ER Alamak
[Minion] Starsky and Alamak
[Trishaa] 7th Alamak
[Minion] Fantasy Alamak
[Minion] Friday Night Alamak
[best_before] Alamak and Sister
[CliffE] Love, Alamak Style :)
[Minion] Real Alamak 18
[Trishaa] Full Alamak
[Trishaa] Facts of Alamak
[Minion] Hangin with Mr Alamak
[courtney7] Pasqualis Alamak
[Trishaa] You can't do that on Alamak
[Trishaa] Alamak Matters
[Minion] Ripleys Believe it or Alamak
[Minion] Win Ben Steins Alamak
[best_before] Star Trek Deep Space alamak
[best_before] Mad about alamak
[Minion] Fat Albert and the Alamak kids
[Trishaa] Married... with Alamak
[Minion] Alamak Night with Conan Obrien
[Trishaa] Pokealamak
[best_before] Alamak Intentions
[best_before] Alamak in the city
[Minion] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Alamak
[Trishaa] Back to the Alamak prts 1 and 2
[Trishaa] Winnie the Alamak
[sabrina007] the godfather of alamak
[best_before] Alamak Pie
[Trishaa] You've got Alamak
[Minion] Things To Do In Alamak When You Are Dead
[CliffE] 10 Things I Hate About Alamak. :)
[best_before] Alamak Streak
[Trishaa] The Wizard of Alamak
[Fillabong] Master Of Alamak
[Minion] The Alamatrix *L*
[Minion] The Hunt For Red Alamak
[Minion] Indiana Jones and the Alamak of Doom
[Minion] It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Alamak
[Minion] Three Men and an Alamak
[Minion] Cannonball Alamak
[Minion] Smokey and the Alamak
[AlphaWolf] Alamak Wars..
[Minion] Where The Red Alamak Grows
[livid_chick] The Alamak Bride
[Minion] On Golden Alamak
[OdeK] what about.. How Alamak Killed AirBrett
[Minion] Schindler's Alamak
[Minion] The Sixth Alamak
[AlphaWolf] Raiders of the Lost Alamak
[Minion] Boyz In Da Alamak
[Minion] The Blair Alamak Project
[Minion] Alamak Night Fever
[Minion] Alamak of Arabia
[Minion] "fraNkly my dear, I don't give an Alamak"
[Minion] "I did not have sexual relations with that Alamak"
[Minion] "Mr Alamak, tear down this wall!!"
3/15/00 Forest
*** Signoff kNarf (209.50.5).
*** fraNk (209.50.5) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing
between the trees.
[fraNk] damn, just missed kNarf
3/15/00 Forest
[paxton] s'pore, tt's y i'm so bored
[kNarf] It's about 3 in the afternoon in Singapore, shouldn't you be like collecting a cat to eat?
3/15/00 Forest
* midas begins to watch the forest engulf in flames as he casually reads his book watching the animals
stampede towards me.
[midas] hum the forest is such a warm and peaceful place, all the animals are coming to greet me...
* Laud watches Smokey the bear stomp out from behind a tree with a shotgun*
[midas] kNarf told me to offer you a cigarette.
[Laud] *laugh*
[fraNk] dammit, run midas, it's smokey the decrepit bear!!
3/15/00 Forest
[fraNk] I need to pee, why isn't it just socially acceptable to just sit here and pee in my pants while I
3/15/00 Forest
[midas] poop, there I said it...kick me...I am so ashamed...
[midas] h e double hockey sticks...somebody kick me...
3/15/00 Forest
[SigmaRaven] *jumps out of the shadows, tossing a mad wolverine into fraNk's pants*
[fraNk] Yahhhh!!! I have a crazy badger in my pants!!
3/20/00 Forest
[fraNk] I think VikingGirl lives in Allcapastanni
[fraNk] No, you didn't miss anything, VikingGirl, that post pretty much confirms it *L*