12/29/99 Forest

*** MalachI (203.33.212) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the
clearing between the trees.
[fraNk] MalachI was a gay man from India who had an affair with a sheep, it is a touching story, I
have it on audio
[MalachI] blow it out your A$$ fraNk.
* fraNk farts loudly *sorry, MalachI said to do that
[RogueMage] Unfortunatly it was probably the poor sheep that had to blow it out it's ass *worried
[MalachI] I have done nothing to you. what is your problem?
[fraNk] Seriously, it's an old Indian tale from the far east, MalachI
[MalachI] Malachi is the name of an angel.
[Vertigo] MalachI, let fraNk vent. He is taking out on you what he is unable to take out on me.
[MalachI] I say he try's to vent on you and then you kick his scrawny A$$.
[fraNk] good luck, MalachI, would you like a shovel?
[MalachI] To burry your head with or smash into your face sure.
[fraNk] kick ass, I have been looking to have a makeover, MalachI, you are too kind!!
[MalachI] it could only be an improvement.
* RogueMage takes Ginger over to the corner and masticates softly on her ear
[fraNk] Ooooh, ear mastubation, kinky!!!
[Caspian] Rogue.. geezz... masticating?? in public.. LMAO.. had that word used in a kids play so
knows ...
[RogueMage] *LOL*
* Aphrodite wraps her arms around J's neck and kisses him* hmmmm..interesting conversation *G*
[Caspian] watches RM masticate..I thought only grasshoppers could do that
[caerid] heres cum in your ear ho ho haha
[RogueMage] mmm..hon..I hope you dont' mind me masticating all over you?? *wiggles eyebrows
and kisses ginger*
[RogueMage] Hey CAspian why don't you masticate with us? *LOL*
[Caspian] oh RogueMage.. i don't masticate in public... it is so messy
[fraNk] Everyone masticate, masticating master MalachI will show you how
[fraNk] MalachI, oh great one, can I call you triple M in your honor?
[MalachI] i would love to re arange your anatomy fraNk but i gotta go and see my girlfriend.
*** Signoff MalachI (203.33.212).
[fraNk] well, MalachI and rosey will be masticating shortly, and I mean SHORTly
[fraNk] you can masticate on HellBilly *snicker*
[_HellBilly_69] no but i can masturbate .. *LMFAO* JOKING
[RogueMage] I once Masticated in a restaurant with my oral orifice wide open
[fraNk] *LMFAO* I hope no one was offended by your public display of noteriety
[Caspian] lmao @ RogueMage.. I'll be that was a pleasant site.. what were you masticating ?
[RogueMage] I was masticating on my sausage
[Caspian] that must have been quite the site then Rogue .. *grin* .. did they kick you out ?
[RogueMage] Naw! Actually I was insulted taht noone watched or anything..last time I! masticate in
a restaurant like McDonalds
[fraNk] I saw Caspian masticating loudly one day, her pet beaver appreciated it immensly
[fraNk] I was wondering, is it normal for a beaver to have no fur, or was your's in a fire of some
sort? Just wondering, I am inquisitive
[Caspian] hmm .. i masticated at a friends tonite RM .. very tasty
[RogueMage] Oh my Caspian I hope yuou didn't ruin the friendship by unseemly masticating
[Caspian] of course not RogueMage.. we all masticated together. it was very pleasant..and we had
masticating towels handy
[jonny] im masticating right now...i have sticky fingers...getting my keyboard all sticky
[fraNk] I was at Thanksgiving and I saw that pumpkin pie, well, let me tell you, I started masticating
furiously. Needless to say, no one but me ate the pie, and my father was very angry with me
[Caspian] you didn't share your pie with your father ??? he would have enjoyed masticating
[RogueMage] yeah fraNk you are so insensitive to not share your masticating with your father!
[jonny] i like it so much i cant stop
[fraNk] I guess my grandma had some of the pie, after all, she made it. She told me later that
watching me masticate on the pie made her feel really good inside. I slept at grandma's house that night
[fraNk] My father is overweight, and he fears mastication will only lead to more problems
[jonny] so he just fantasizes about masticating with you, right fraNk?
[fraNk] dad masticates sometimes, but usually while watching tv, but he wont let me masticate
unless I'm sitting at the table, he says I'm too messy
[RogueMage] Okay okay...the strangest place I masticated was...Probably..well I masticated on a
plane once!
[RogueMage] ACtually no 4 times
[Caeridwen] masticated on the toilet
[jonny] ewww!!! ok now masticating on the toilet is something i wont do...
[Caspian] likes masticating in the open air the best
[Aphrodite] *LOL* you never masticate for me,baby**G*
[RogueMage] Ahhh I'm sorry honey..tell ya what *Kiss* when I come down For you I'll masticate
just for you alright? *kiss*
[Vertigo] Ever Masticate, then shake a friends hand before washing up? Yuck!
[Caspian] depends on what you are masticating with Vertigo ..some mastication is very clean..
others .. are quite messy ..
[RogueMage] yeah sometimes I masticate While watching Football!
[RogueMage] Only after the pizza guy shows up though
[fraNk] I am not sure I appreciate what Catholics do, they masticate every sunday, RIGHT IN
CHURCH??? What the hell are they thinking, and the main guy, in that robe, is up front, holding it up in the
air and taking it in his mouth and masticating in the name of Mary the Virgin mother, they are a troubled
[fraNk] Hail Mary, full of grace, I am masticating in your face? that is crazy
[Caspian] lmao @ fraNk and used to be a Catholic.. but they mastication wine was good
* RogueMage falls on the floor laughing..you got a point fraNk
[Caspian] esp likes masticating ice cream.. dipped in chocolate.. or drenched
[Vertigo] I feel weird saying this...anyone ever fall asleep WHILE masticating? I did once when I
was a kid.
[fraNk] I did that once, Vertigo, and woke up later with my hair all sticky
[Caspian] offers to bring the wine RogueMage.. you send me a map .. what else do we need ??
[RogueMage] We need paper towels to clean up the mess afterwards!
[jonny] when i think of little boys...it makes me want to run off and go masticate...
* jonny makes a very big mess when i masticate...it gets ALL over me
*** MasticatorKing (209.50.5) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters
the clearing between the trees.
[MasticatorKing] heh, let's see what sort of reaction that brings *L*
*** LizardKing (#208.134.215#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters
the clearing between the trees.
[MasticatorKing] Well, there is a prime masticator if I ever saw one, LK!!
[LizardKing] yes; I am guilty...when i was young, i was a habitual masticator
[LizardKing] is anyone else here self conscious when others see them masticate?
[Caspian] only if it's sloppy masticaton LizardKing
[Caspian] doesn't masticate as often anymore.. tho loves unusual mastication
[RogueMage] Lets masticate again..like we did last summer..lets masticate again..like we did last
*** Lets_Masticate (198.161.206) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone
enters the clearing between the trees.
[Lets_Masticate] yes...i am very self consious when i am masticating...
[Lets_Masticate] *someguy69* (208.29.96) why would i wanna chew with you?
[Lets_Masticate] *WellHung* (204.233.237) you should always chew your food
[Lets_Masticate] *TorontoDude34* (205.210.137) is that the I eat you you eat me approach??
[Vertigo] The world has become a scarey place for me, you 'masticators' are not helping
[MasticatorKing] screw you, everyone masticates, even people at diet centers, they might lie and say
they don't masticate, but you know they are sneaking off into the corner and doing it when they think no one is
[Lets_Masticate] i dont masticate in corners...i masticate infront of my window
[RogueMage] hey..if you can't take the masticating get out of the kitchen = P
[MasticatorKing] I paid 1500 dollars to watch President Bush masticate, I was mesmeriesed, I just
masticated madly watching him
[MasticatorKing] then later on, I heard that while masticating in japan president bush threw up on
some japanese dignitaries, I must say, perhaps he should masticate in public
*** Lets_Masticate is now known as jonny .
[Caeridwen] hot beef mastication
[jonny] i masticate too much
[RiderOnStorm] what a bunch of idiots
[MasticatorKing] Oh, like you don't do it, Rider, you masticating fool, you are rather overweight, so
I know you masticate at all hours
[jonny] its kinda booring now...mabey i should just stop masticating completly...
[charmion] *sighs* you people really need to get a life...
[MasticatorKing] You need to masticate on this sausage, charmion, it's fresh, take it in your mouth
right now and you will appreciate it immensely
[MasticatorKing] later on, folks, I am going to make up some of my incredible christmas balls, they
are quite delicious, nothing is better this time of years than masticating with my balls in your mouth, and if you
want, you can also smell my balls, I pulled them out just a little bit ago
[biplap] so Rogue would you classify MK's jokes under "i just learned a new word today" or what?
*** MasticatorKing is now known as fraNk.
[fraNk] damn you bippy *L*
[biplap] aww fraNk a simple hello would work...but you insist on cursing me..*a single tear forms*
i'm so proud
[fraNk] well, you weren't very appreciative of my masticating or that I let you smell my balls *L*

12/29/99 Forest

*** Zarbon (209.192.52) has left location Forest
[fraNk] Zarbon is a deadly gas used in the war of 1812 to subdue english horses on the battlefield

12/29/99 Forest

[fraNk] this god damn Megadeth cd is supposed to be interactive, and I showered with it, well,
nothing happened
[caerid] keeps waiting for them to invent a man that is interactiv hahahaha

12/29/99 Forest

[Caeridwen] laugh
* fraNk laughs nervously after Caeridwen orders him to do so

12/30/99 Teens16_19

* fraNk (#666#) Teens16_19 / Welcome you bastard!!!
[fraNk] hmm, I don't like how I was greeted by this room
[OdeK] haha @ Frank

12/31/99 in /pms

this is one I call “mixed emotions”

*trucker* (204.169.56) hey : (
*trucker* (204.169.56) I mean : )

1/03/00 Forest

* midas punches fraNk
* fraNk calls up the white coat men *yes, we have a situation in the forest, it appears one of your "at
risk" patients has escaped, he appears to be mating with a turtle
*** confusedblonde (209.31.154) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters
the clearing between the trees.
[jonny] confusedblonde...isnt that redundant?
[midas] Hi confusedblonde...
[PaintedWolf] Hello midas..
[fraNk] *LMAO* Hmm, I think PW thought midas was talking to her
[confusedblonde] I thought I was fraNk's mom *smacks fraNk* behave you small tweedered

1/03/00 Forest

[poopgod] from Hell's heart i stab at thee, for hate's sake i spit my last breath at thee
* fraNk for the sake of hunger I eat thee

1/05/00 Forest

[PrincessAngel] I'm not having a hissy fit!! *stomps her foot and pouts*
[H1YA] Me and PrincessAngel met exactly 2 years ago here on Alamak.. and we have met each
other 3 times in person... and we are engaged in real life...
[Terl] No offense...but...enagaged after 3 visits? Were they like 4 months at a pop?
[Jorrun] *LOL* Terl is almost as good as Sam Donaldson!
[Terl] In all seriousness...how far apart do you two live?
[kNarf] Hello everyone, time to get naked and dance like wilda beasts
* PrincessAngel kisses Hiya* Some of these people annoy the heck out of me sometimes..
[kNarf] I once cybered with princess angel and it was excellent, about two months ago
* The_Dark_One pulls out his Jerry Springer mic.
[H1YA] *laughs* hmm .. I know she won't be like that with me. We have an understanding...
[kNarf] Princess Angel likes it rough though, I was like choking her and shit in room SadoMasichist
and then she wanted me to spank her
[Terl] Could you Clarify on "and shit" there kNarf?
[H1YA] Knarf, do you mind shutting up?.. I saw the kind of language you talk in earlier ..
[FruityPebbles] H1YA dont tell people to shut up
[PrincessAngel] You are lying, Knarf! I don't even know you. I don't even remeber that room..and I
do have a good memory!
[kNarf] you have a good memory and a beautiful set of ***Alamak has autocensored this
[The_Dark_One] Boobs isn't a swear, but it's disrespectful to all the women.
[H1YA] What's your problem Knarf.
[narcoticcherry] you've seen each other 3 times in a year and half and you're getting married?
[Terl] I see. I give it a 18% chance of lasting over 6 months. And only a 23% chance of her ever
moving out there. Given the available info.

1/05/00 Forest

*** MightyRooster (#212.238.76#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters
the clearing between the trees.
[MightyRooster] heya kNarf...
[kNarf] damn, and here I was the ranking person in the room till this HugeCock came in *L*
[MightyRooster] LMAO

1/05/00 Forest

* FruityPebbles throws her phone at the wall* I hate it when people call and dont say anything
[MightyRooster] really hates it when i call people, say nothing, and they throw their phone at the

1/05/00 Forest

[narcoticcherry] i hate the word boobs.
[The_Dark_One] What the f**K?
[The_Dark_One] S**T
[Terl] What word do you prefer CherrY?
[narcoticcherry] i don't know .they all suck. breasts sounds too professional... boobs is just a horrible
word... "knockers" is demented... tits is probably the best one i've heard...
[Terl] How about hooters ?
[Jorrun] narc...how about "fun bags"? or head rests?
[narcoticcherry] fun bags? *l* no..
[The_Dark_One] I can't f**king swear in here.
[MightyRooster] uhm... can we try to keep it friendly in here please??? And Dark_One... that is
considered language
[The_Dark_One] I have a v-chip in my head. f**k ZZKZKZKHJZZZZZAAAPPPPPP!!!
[Jorrun] be friendly!*buys Rooster a beer*
[WHITEOWL] Now i do belive the WORD Cunt is a Swear word...
[The_Dark_One] Tits sound too animallike.
[narcoticcherry] i got banned for saying cunt.
[narcoticcherry] i also got banned for saying clit..
[FruityPebbles] ahah clit.. clit clit *L* i love that word ahaha i dont know why
[The_Dark_One] I once got banned for calling someone a *BeeeeeeeeeeeeeP*
* kNarf spanks a beaver with a length of sausage
[MightyRooster] gheese. Can we please be easy on the sexual terms as wel???
[The_Dark_One] Uhh... let's see... be easy on sex term... sure. Can we still talk about sex though?