09/19/05 Hot_Tub

[WSFIREFIGHTER] you better stop do you here me?
[JoNsY] we better stop
[cornzillla] ,.......,.......... no we don't hear you, we can read yor rant though
[fraNk] I can't here you
[fraNk] you sobs
[JoNsY] we better here him
[WSFIREFIGHTER] how old r u two 12 and 13
* fraNk cries and sobs
[fraNk] I'm 11, how old are you daddy?
[cornzillla] ,........,......... he was selling crack near tower two wasn't he
[JoNsY] you gonna show up in your little red fire engine?
[JoNsY] with the dog and ev erything?
[cornzillla] ,.....,........ lol@the little dog
[WSFIREFIGHTER] thats how old you would fell after i get through with you
[fraNk] I fell down, is that old enough?
[cornzillla] I fell old
[JoNsY] bahaha
[fraNk] what if I light my car on fire and wait in the ditch, will you come put out the fire?
[cornzillla] ,......,........ he/she is a big bad firefighter, he fights with his panties in a wad
[JoNsY] teach him, show him the way
[cornzillla] ,......,......... guide the nimrod
[fraNk] use the force, young firefighter, Darth bin Ladin, he is your father
[cornzillla] lmao
[cornzillla] ,......,........ this IS good cheep entertainment
[WSFIREFIGHTER] laugh it up i would hate for you guys not to make fun of somebody
[fraNk] I would too
[fraNk] because, my penis is huge
[fraNk] and droopy
[fraNk] once I accidentally kneed myself in the penis
[erynthemitten] at least it's not wiggly like moongoon's.
[cornzillla] ,......,........ we aren't getting under your thin skin are we WS?
[WSFIREFIGHTER] got to go got a fire call i have a job kid
[fraNk] wtf? fire called him on the phone?
[JoNsY] ahaha
[JoNsY] hey its me...Im burnin shit up down here you better hurry
[fraNk] "Hello, firefighter, hey there dipshit, this is fire, yah, that's right, it's me again. I'm
blazing away at the corner of 12th and Superior, I mean, if you want another go, just lemme know,
[cornzillla] lmao
[cornzillla] Ahahahahahahahaaha

10/11/05 Hot_Tub

[fraNk] DONU
[fraNk] I removed your T, for safety
[donut] fraN
[donut] T's are dangerous
[Yaz] ?
[fraNk] Yaz, do not question us
[fraNk] we are wise in the ways of the chat.
[Yaz] im not
* Disorder strolls in*
[fraNk] Disorder, are you here for the roasted pork struedel?
* Disorder winks @ fraNk* Is it that obvious?
[fraNk] well DUH
[fraNk] this shit is DELISH
[donut] I thought that's what everyone was here for?
* Disorder ponders* Perhaps my bib that I have tied around my neck which states I BRAKE
FOR ROASTED PORK STRUEDEL was way too dayum obvious
[fraNk] *LMFAO*

10/19/05 Hot_Tub

*** Signoff fraNk (24.241.3) (my alamak girlfriend is so pretty "no mine is prettier" you
want to cyberfight??).
[MightyCarlos1] no need to fight. mine is prettier. 'nuff said.
[travka79] You guys are no fun...have a great night.. oh and by the way cyber sex is not real
[ooo_lala] I sure with I had an internet girlfriend
[fishy] I had real sex a couple of days ago
[ooo_lala] Sandra, can we go e-steady?
[bronzedbabe] alamak gf and bf's hahahahaahahahahaha pathetic
[fishy] you do have an internet gf, did you forget me already?
[fishy] JULIE, lets e-fck, you can join amber and I.
[ooo_lala] I figured we were on a break, Sandra
[redpogo] my alamak gf says we should type to other people
[redpogo] i think she's in love with someone else
[redpogo] she says my words are too small
[KrazyKid] i think your text is kewl red

10/24/05 Hot_Tub

*** COllegebrunnet (157.178.1) Hot_Tub / COllegebrunnet appears and hops into
the Hot Tub naked!!!
[COllegebrunnet] Hey room 19/f/IL
[COllegebrunnet] how do u make ur font a different color??
[COllegebrunnet] anyone know?
[fraNk] type /quit blue,
[L] hahahhaha
[fraNk] without the comma I mean
[COllegebrunnet] oh
[aniq] does anyone ever fall for that frank
[Jumper] Crayola
[L] fraNk is funny today
[L] he usually is all out to help the new defenseless chatters
[traumatisation] slashcolor.
[L] i love when people are mean.. especially when they're usually not :/
[COllegebrunnet] type/color pink hey
[COllegebrunnet] ok
[fraNk] oh my lord
[COllegebrunnet] lol
[Mace2] fwank fwank tusk tusk
[fraNk] WTF? are my tusks showing?
[sexy_chick] im waiting to be fucked man
[fraNk] yah sexy_chick, get in fucking line
[heresy] Dont think the computer is going to fuck you any time soon.
[L] [sexy_chick] im waiting to be fucked man
[L] EW.
[Heather] Going to college and spelling brunette wrong is FUN! weee!
[COllegebrunnet] heather i like spelling brunnet like this
[Heather] I like spelling brunette like this.."fuck you"
[fraNk] haha Heather
[COllegebrunnet] heather whats wrong with u? are u mad ?
[Heather] Yes, i am so mad.
[COllegebrunnet] type/pink just being fun
[aniq] minus the type and being fun collegebrunnet
[COllegebrunnet] type/color pink
[COllegebrunnet] ok
[COllegebrunnet] well it isnt working lol
[COllegebrunnet] type/color pink
[traumatisation] ONLY TYPE: /color pink
[COllegebrunnet] hmm
[traumatisation] It spelled brunette like that because it ran out of characters.
[fraNk] I can tell you this much, I am NEVER playing Scrabble with COllegebrunnet

10/24/05 Hot_Tub

[TallGuy] Hi Nicki where from
* TallerGuy stares at TallGuy
[TallerGuy] you fuck
[TallerGuy] get out
* Jumper laughs
* TallestGuy stares at TallerGuy and TallGuy
[TallestGuy] you son of a bitches
[TallGuy] cool Im really tall when in Tx--everythings BIG there
[Nicki] wow a fight among the tall guys
[TallestGuy] I wear a bigger hat than you wear, TallGuy
[WildBuck] LOL tallguy and tallerguy and tallestguy LOL HEHHEHEHEHHEHEHEH

10/27/05 Think_Cafe

[eponine] I had my heart and liver broken by a guy in college who lied to me
[fraNk] your liver???
[fraNk] i take it you got into drinking?
[eponine] he told me he was Irish, single, and a few years younger than he was
* light2 has been known to lie about having perky boobs a few times *lol*
[bongo] once or twice lol
[fraNk] once I told a girl my penis was 8 inches long
[bongo] you told everyone that, kNarf
[fraNk] that was a lie, it's actually 18 inches... I felt bad about that, and the pain I caused her
[light2] *lol*
[fraNk] both emotionally and vaginally
[bongo] lmao the pain
[LordBrett] frank, i can't imagine what it would be like to have just 18 inches..
[imacheckingin] fraNk (were you measuring from halfway up your ass?)

12/24/05 Hot_Tub

Kicker] *yawn*
[Kicker] Im gonna go watch some dumbass videos on thatvideosite.com
[dogpoop] solid plan
[Kicker] so....BYE
[Kicker] tools....
*** Signoff Kicker (12.201.21).
[dogpoop] l8r
[dogpoop] wanker
[Heather] bye Kicker
[dogpoop] he's gone
[dogpoop] stop talking about him behind his back
[Electra] i don't get it, thatvideosite.com is for people who are dumbass's ? that's why he's
going there?

12/24/05 Hot_Tub

[Carly_] I've forgotten what its like to not have a body in pain
[fraNk] Carly has a body in pain... in her basement, she's quite the sadist

12/25/05 Hot_Tub

[fraNk] "Most of us have trouble knowing when we've been on the road for too long, but
when you start yawning, driving all the way off the road, and clipping other cars, it's likely you need
sleep. Remember you need to be safe when on the road, brought to you by AFN Europe"
[dogpoop] *L* gotta love that safety-commercial shit
[fraNk] "She told me she was unhappy, but I didn't see it, she said she didn't have anything to
live for, I just laughed and said "shudup bitch", she put a gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger
"BANG" and I said "WTF you got blood all over my uniform!!!" Now I no longer have a friend.
Remember to recognize the signs of suicidal behavior, brought to you by the association for suicidal
awareness, and the AD council."

12/25/05 Hot_Tub

[steveoz] shamus is been chattin to me too
[dogpoop] shamus is your secret santa, steve
[steveoz] ya sound like americans
[Morticia] I'm Canadian.
[Morticia] So.. there.
[Carlos1] I've been in a canadian
[Carlos1] so...there.
[dogpoop] i'm Alaskan
[Morticia] You win.
[steveoz] close enuff hahah
[Carlos1] i can't get enough of that canadian pussy
[Morticia] Me neither.
[Morticia] I am touching mine so much I have no time to do anything else.
[Carlos1] Kristy...film at 11?
[dogpoop] that made no sense
[Morticia] Haha.
[fraNk] Canadian pussy is hairy and smells like a penguin
[stargazer] Frank so do you too you yankee pervert
[dogpoop] penguins bathe all the time
[Morticia] Why would it smell like a penguin? Penguins live in the South Pole only.
[fraNk] you know damn well that all canadians own a penguin
[Morticia] T'IS TRUE.
[Morticia] That's why I hate that fucking Coke commercial with the polar bears and penguins
playing together. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?
[dogpoop] penguins are much larger than they appear on TV
[Morticia] Polar bears live in the north. Jerkfaces.
[dogpoop] i love those commercials. at least one person is going to see a polar bear and think
"oh, that cute coke commercial bear" AND THEN BE EATEN TO DEATH
[fraNk] yes, most penguins are nearly 20 foot tall and weigh nearly 4 tons
[dogpoop] i used to ride a penguing to school both ways uphill underwater
[fraNk] I was in Saskatchewan Tuesday and I saw a penguin eat a polar bear, that penguin
fucked that bear up
[dogpoop] never get between a penguin and a mcgriddle
[Morticia] You lie. Penguins live on the coast of Antarctica. Bitch.
[fraNk] then the penguin drank a coke and ate the little polar bear too, and stole his christmas
[fraNk] it was really a touching site
[stargazer] Frank is a wank
[fraNk] of course I masturbated the entire time
[dogpoop] Some penguins moved to Canada when the housing market rebounded in the 80s.
[Carlos1] Penquins do it better on ice
[fraNk] That's odd, considering during the 80's there were hardly enough igloos for all the
Canadian HUMANS, I'll have to call you on that one poo, I do NOT believe you
[dogpoop] No no no, I was still friends with Jean Chrétien at the time, he showed me a suberb
in development.
[dogpoop] i think i'll include a 4 ton penguin
[fgkhj] Penguins are so cute.
[fraNk] I agree with fgkhj, because I would have sex with a penguin
[Morticia] Haha.
[fraNk] just not any of those giant flesh eating 4 ton penguins, holy fuck no
[fgkhj] Of course you would.
[stargazer] So did your father Frank that's how you were hatched dick head
[fraNk] stargazer is just pissed because his mother was eaten by one of those giant penguins
[stargazer] Cretin dogpoop
[dogpoop] I agree, gazer, he is now my implacable foeman.
[fraNk] Did you know a penguin was killed in Canada by elementary school children who
beat the poor animal to death for carrying an American flag around in public? True story, and sad : (
[dogpoop] You'd think the 51st state would have more respect for our flag. 8o(
[fraNk] To be honest, I think every igloo and every penguin in Canada should have an
american flag outside of it
[fraNk] especially in Toronto
[Dogtrainer] hahaha
[stargazer] frank is a cretin too his mother gave birth to all penguins
[dogpoop] lol
[fraNk] yah, mom kept fucking all the penguins, and having the babies, the penguin king
made them do it
[fgkhj] I want to see that penguin movie.
[Morticia] It sucks.
[Morticia] March Of the Penguins? BORING.
[fraNk] thank God for Batman
[fgkhj] You saw it?
[Morticia] Sure did.
[fgkhj] haha
[fgkhj] It looks educational.
[dogpoop] Why would you go see that?
[dogpoop] Surely, you knew no penguins were going to die.
[Morticia] I didn't GO see it. My friend rented it.
[fgkhj] hahahahha
[fraNk] haha, March of the Penguins, Directors Cut "My, look at the killer whale... HOLY
[Morticia] Why would a killer whale be on land to eat penguins?
[fgkhj] Yeah, stupid
[fraNk] I don't fucking know, you should ask the orca, not me!!
[Morticia] Haha.
[fraNk] you know what is odd? In the Matrix, neo went to see the orca, but the orca wasn't a
[fgkhj] haha
[Morticia] Oh, wow. Who's writing your jokes? Leno?
[fraNk] unless of course... wait, maybe it was a play on words, because the orca was a fat
woman... *ponders*
[fgkhj] HAHAHAH
[fgkhj] You two are funny.
[dogpoop] Penguins have been known to kill whales and sharks by pooping in their faces.
[Morticia] What a way to go.
[jingleballs] i thought it was oracle
[fraNk] no, dumb shit, oracle makes software
[jingleballs] dont call me dumbshit kNarf
[jingleballs] damnit
[fgkhj] fraNk is losing his touch.
[dogpoop] the oracle made dude fuck his mom and kill his dad
[fraNk] you want to fucking fight, balls? I have a penguin, certified Canadian, 4.2 tons
*** jingleballs is now known as spam.
[spam] grr
[spam] yeah lets fight
[fgkhj] They don't come that big.
[fraNk] oh, I've seen one that big come, all over the fucking place
[fraNk] it was disgusting
[fraNk] I will only say one thing about it: Do NOT stand within 8 feet of a mastubating 4 ton
penguin, or you are going to get sticky
[fgkhj] You're gross, fraNk.
[fraNk] how am I gross? I didn't fucking know what was going to happen, I thought the
penguin was doing something else
[fraNk] like sanding wood, or sharpening a knife, how was I to know he was choking the
[fgkhj] Don't you guys get together with family on Christmas Eve?
[Morticia] Don't YOU?
[dogpoop] my family was killed in a penguin riding accident 8o(
[Morticia] My father's really sick. Not going anywhere this year.
[fgkhj] Really? I am sorry.
[Morticia] I hope you feel bad.
[fgkhj] KRISTY, don't be so mean.
[Morticia] I'm never mean.
[fgkhj] There's no such thing as a 4 ton penguin, first of all.
[fraNk] WTF? why lie, fgkhj?? Are you CAnadian or something?
[fgkhj] Yeah, I am.
[Anya] Penguins can be HUGE.
[fgkhj] 4 tons?
[fraNk] I should have known, well go back in your igloo and wait for Santa, because I do not
to listen to your lies!!
[fraNk] speaking of that, Santa stopped by a little bit ago, he brought some haji bread
[fgkhj] My igloo collapsed.
[fraNk] that is a sad story
[fraNk] but somehow I do not believe you
[Morticia] Did a penguin sit on it?
[fgkhj] I think so.
[fgkhj] haha
[fgkhj] You faggots.
[fraNk] Okay, you are Canadian right? What the fuck do you do about all the ice bergs and
[Morticia] icebergs? *L* Do we live in the OCEAN?
[fgkhj] We melt them with hair dryers.
[DezFafara] lol shush kristy there is fucking icebergs
[whoknows] yes. icebergs
[dogpoop] icebergs are sneaky, don't count them out just because you are land-locked
[fgkhj] There are no icebergs where I live.
[Morticia] Where would I go to find an iceberg?
[whoknows] they are. like Mexicans jumping the border.
[dogpoop] they like to hang out at the pool hall
[whoknows] anywhere in Canada. just sit down on the ground. and turn around real fast.
you'll find at least one trying to sneak up on you. and take your wallet.
[fraNk] I remember in that one movie, that Canadian yelled "ICEBERG, RIGHT AHEAD"
[Morticia] I don't think he was Canadian.
[dogpoop] yeah, but nobody listens