9/05/00 Forest

*** PickledNuts (209.50.5) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as PickledNuts
enters the clearing between the trees.
[PickledNuts] Let's open this room up!!!
* PickledNuts sings
[PickledNuts] oh happy day
[PickledNuts] when jesus washed
[PickledNuts] my sins away
[PickledNuts] oh happy day
[PickledNuts] sing it with me now
*** PickledNuts (209.50.5) has left location Forest
[AshenSouls] That was ....
[DutchApplePie] errrr

then in 20plus

[Dark_Knight] hey theres my girl whats up V did you miss me
[PickledNuts] DarkKnight, Jesus loves you!!!
[Tenchi] ?
[PickledNuts] Jesus loves you so much DarkKnight, did you know that?
[Veronda] Your name doesn't match your words to well.*S*
[PickledNuts] Tenchi, have you been washed in the blood of the lamb?
[swoosh1] And he died for your sins!@
[PickledNuts] Veronda, a name is meaningless, it's what's in the heart!
[PickledNuts] Yes, he died for your sins @www.jesus.com
[Dark_Knight] PN i know, he gives me V to talk to and all the alcohol i can take
[PickledNuts] I spoke to Jesus tonite
[Dark_Knight] yeah me to
[PickledNuts] He says he detests all your alcoholic behavior
[PickledNuts] Now he is telling me to kill you
[PickledNuts] I don't think I can disobey him
* PickledNuts picks up a gun
[acry] can i chat with you
[PickledNuts] Jesus wants to chat with you acry
[Tritan] me??
[PickledNuts] Tritan, Jesus says that you can live for another 24282 days
[PickledNuts] but on the 24283 day, you are going to die
[Tritan] oh really??gwad....
[PickledNuts] No wait, I messed up, he said 24283 minutes
[PickledNuts] Wow, that is not as much of a blessing
[Veronda] It figures that PN would preach the word only to kill us who believe, in the end.
[PickledNuts] Veronda, don't be angry with me, I'm just the messenger
[Veronda] Well, PICKLEDNUTS, I really don't think Jesus would use you as a messanger
with a messed up name like that.
[PickledNuts] Ahh, Veronda, the Lord works in mysterious ways
[sweetnspicy] help me i'm falling
[PickledNuts] sweetnspicy, we all fall short in the eyes of the Lord
[PickledNuts] it's how we pick ourselves back up that we are to be judged by
*** HardNavyMan (169.197.12) 20plus / Welcome!!!
[PickledNuts] HardNavyMan, Jesus doesn't like your nickname
[PickledNuts] whiter than snow
[PickledNuts] whiter than snow!!
[PickledNuts] washed in the blood
[PickledNuts] Now we shall read from the good book
[PickledNuts] "And let no stone be unturned, hence the garden of life will grow again, as
the fruit spring forth from that which was death, and lifelessness is again the fruit of tomorrow
*Ephysians 14-4
[PickledNuts] I'm not sure what God is saying there, but I think what he means is that Jesus
speaks to all of us, and sometimes we need to do things we don't agree with
[Tansta] You talking about.... Jesus?
[PickledNuts] Tansta, Jesus never said much about you
[PickledNuts] Sometimes I am so happy about Jesus, I need to scream it from the rooftops
[PickledNuts] but I get tired after climbing the stairways, and dizzy
[PickledNuts] so you can hardly hear me
*** Kick PickledNuts by Nerida (Flooding).
[Veronda] Thank goodness the PN is gone. Although I did enjoy babbling.
[Dark_Shadow] hey he shot me and you enjoyed babbling

9/05/00 Forest

[AshenSouls] Yesh, food is good
[midas] I liek Milk, and food
[midas] put them together, ho ho ho
[Denial] who is a ho?
[midas] ohh something santa would say as he is flying over head pooping in chimney's
[Denial] cool.. so actually he calls people a ho..
[AshenSouls] Food doesn't complain if you want to eat it at midnight, you can unwrap it in
public, and it's almost always there for ya. It's a good thing
[midas] speaking in a non-sexual matter AS, you could say the same thing about BEER
[midas] you always know you are the first one to pop a beer
[midas] a beer is always wet
[midas] a beer doesn't get mad if you come home with another beer on your breath
[AshenSouls] Exactly *g*

9/05/00 40plus

[oldflower] Smiles at everyone
* Minion frowns at no one *L*
[Minion] I have low blood pressure, probably from years of running
[Minion] running from the law
[Minion] they know that I know that they are using the internet against us
* Minion has been magically summoned away by FederalBureauOfTobaccoAndFirearms !
* Minion (#209.50.5#) 40plus / Welcome!!!
* Minion has been magically summoned away by SecretService !
* Minion (#209.50.5#)40plus / Welcome!!!
[Minion] Oh my god, I came back one more time, help me, I'm going to be terminated!!!
[whitewitch] how funny...
[whitewitch] hide Minion
* Minion has been banned by CentralIntelligenceAgency (knowing too much)
* Minion (#209.50.5#) 40plus / Welcome!!!
[Minion] SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, don't let them know I'm back
[whitewitch] throws a blanket over Minion and tops him off with a pot plant....
[Minion] thank you whitewitch, I hope I can testify about all that I know!!!

9/05/00 Forest

[midas] well everyone seems to be mute, well not typing anyway...studies show that when
you talk to someone in real life and simulate typing motions, this is a form of chatting like you are
hopelessly addicted to alamak and therefore you are wacked over the head with a mop

9/05/00 Forest

[AshenSouls] "Assembly of God" <-- haha, it sounds like they're putting together their own
god from a kit
[Minion] I tried that once, I used a pile of mashed potatos, some corn, and chicken wings,
but my God was attacked and eaten overnight by a band of stray dogs, needless to say my faith was

9/05/00 Forest

[ron] hi midas
[midas] umm, hello...whoever you are...*belch*
[ron] just hi that's all
[Minion] ron, I love mules
[ron] oh
[Minion] Yes, they are quite sensual
[ron] see ya
*** ron (203.168.0) has left location Forest
[Minion] well, obviously ron is not into mules. That is too bad really
[Dade] wasn't it something like 32,000 bugz found in windows 2000 when they release
[fraNkles] a lot of them were ants, but some were termites
[fraNkles] no wait, I'm thinking about Al Gore's wooden head
[ron] mules what is that
[fraNkles] mules? they are somewhat like horses but rather stubborn
[Dade] well it's just a sophisticated database really when you get down to it, it doesn't take
too much brain power
[ron] me no!i'm just a simple ron
[fraNkles] you are doing ron?
[fraNkles] whoah, does ron know this?
[ron] no what is it
[fraNkles] ron, the matrix has you...
[ron] shot up both of you i'm leaving now bye
[fraNkles] what the?? what did he just shoot me up with, I feel really funny now
* AshenSouls laughs at ron *
[ron] laugh yourself!!!!!
[Dade] hmmm i'm gonna get a happymeal from mc donalds for lunch, I want the
[AshenSouls] I dunno what they're serving at mc anymore
[itsme] mcCrap
[fraNkles] BigMcSoy?
[itsme] McMaggots
[fraNkles] McRon, now with extra ass sauce
[AshenSouls] Coolish
[fraNkles] And The Gangish
[AshenSouls] You're abnormally full of shit today fraNk, too bad there aren't more people
here to afflict *L*
*** Anema (63.64.122) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as Anema enters the
clearing between the trees.
[fraNkles] Anema? NOOOOOOOO, my butt is clean
[ron] so you play rough ,ok
[fraNkles] I play kind of rough ron *beats him in the head with a boat anchor*
[ron] not you it's for ashen
[fraNkles] oh, well that blows, ron, you got me all worked up for nothing?
[itsme] frankles is a sinking violent...
[fraNkles] thats stinking violent to you pal
[itsme] no...stinking would involve sax and violence
[Juni] heaven forbid sax and violence!
[itsme] okay, okay, sax and violins then
[ron] you know what you making me sick
[fraNkles] I'm making you sick? would you like some pepto ?
[ron] oh nevermind sorry and sorry too

9/08/00 Forest

[fraNk] Ahhhhhhhhh, alcohol. All the relaxation, and non of the 70 dollar an hour
professional costs

9/08/00 Forest

*** smartass (202.188.56) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as smartass enters
the clearing between the trees.
[kNarfinski] oh thank goodness, I was worried that we may get another dumbass in here
[kNarfinski] but thankfully we already have me
[Soot] naw, I'm the only dumbass in these parts.
[Soot] oops, looks like we do have two
[Ruby] should we have a dumbass contest? you two can wrestle for the title
[Ruby] in bacon grease, of course
[kNarfinski] only in your pan Ruby *L*

9/08/00 Forest

* Ruby rubs her eyes*
* kNarfist rubs Ruby's eyes
[kNarfist] whoops, those weren't your eyes
[kNarfist] oh well, simple mistake, could have happened to anyone

9/08/00 Forest

[auschicky] hello
[kNarfist] heh, at least it's not anuschicky *L* that would be a badly places n wouldn't it?

9/08/00 Forest

*** Minion has been magically summoned to Forest by poet!
*** Minion has been magically summoned to Forest by poet!
[Minion] dammit
[poet] I only did it once but you came twice, damn I'm good *snicker*
[Minion] yah baby *smokes cigarette*

9/08/00 Forest

[Suave] Jorrun, I need your love
[Suave] I want you every way
[Suave] I need your love
[Suave] can't help this feeling coming back every day
[Jorrun] take a number, Suave
* Suave takes a number *ooh, number 1* runs and tackles Jorrun
[Jorrun] *L* Funny stuff, Suave