01/29/02 Hot_Tub
[PrimeTime] http://kmw.inetcam.com:81/1/pic.jpg <------------------------ andraya sent this
pic, as her own. you decide
[demonic] TOTAL PORN PIC
[KidA] loves porn
[demonic] i know my porn!
[demonic] later on in the pics.....she gets a facial!
[Andraya] yep she sure does!!! lol
[PrimeTime] at least you admit you were lying Andraya
[demonic] i probably should shut up now
[demonic] kiddie porn gets me so hard
[KidA] ewwww demonic
*** KICK WARNING User demonic warned by ColorMeStupid 4452 ( Hot_Tub ) ( that's
not funny )
01/31/02 Forest
[zeP] If this goes on long enough for billions of years, humans breeding and expanding, with
enough people living, the things I'm saying, have said and will say will be repeated to the letter. And
then they will fall dead from a deja vu overdose.
* starduster breeds..
[zeP] There's no stopping it! Hah hah. I don't have to be alive for my incidental genetic
clones to spawn. They will emerge from the collective genetic pool we share. The DNA I have is
already out there, spread amongst the population. Given enough breeding and time, someone will crap
out a new me, ready for the future.
* starduster craps out a new zeP..
[nikki] arent we lucky
[Nattie] i guess
[Nattie] ok we are?
[zeP] Hell, exact clones may have already been produced. DNA doesn't operate on a 'use
them all once, then repeat' cycle. It's all random. And in a random system, the same thing could pop up
only once and never repeat again, or pop up 10 times in a row.
[Nattie] is he ok?
* starduster murders the new zeP..
[nikki] dont think so
[zeP] If you listen closely, a woman is giving birth. In her head, she's thinking "new life, oh
joy" but the ages are saying "copy number 2".
* starduster copies number 2..
[Nattie] psst .. whats a number two
[zeP] But to further ensure my genes will be more visible in the brand spanking new future,
I will spread my seed among the willing, fertile women of today.
[nikki] *shrugs*
* starduster spreads zeP's seed into outerspace..
[Nattie] I think we should protect ourselves.
[nikki] definately
[Nattie] from men who spread seeds.
[nikki] *L*
[zeP] No!
[zeP] First step, replace all sperm samples in Sperm Banks with my seed.
[zeP] Mine, mine, mine.
[zeP] Then, cloning my testicles.
[zeP] Then secretly replacing the testicles of all men with MINE!
* starduster clones the testicles..
* starduster replaces the testicles..
[zeP] Followed by a religious development of the worship of ME!
[Nattie] he is weird isn't he?
[nikki] thinks zep is weird
* starduster develops the worshipping..
[zeP] As the new Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha rolled into one, I'll proclaim myself the
new face of mankind. And once my secret children start growing up with my devilish good looks, the
rubes will fall into line.
* starduster falls into line..
[zeP] I'll get myself elected President, and have some of my older, smarter children elected
leaders of other countries. And then, we develop...SPACE FLIGHT!
[nikki] interesting
* starduster develops space flight..
[zeP] After a couple hundred thousand me's are all growed up, we all clamber into a giant U-
Haul, shoot ourselves into outerspace and colonize the whole goddamn universe.
* starduster colonizes the whole goddamn universe with zeP clones..
[nikki] zep has a very interesting imagination
[zeP] By this time, I'm dead, the human race is too genetically similar to survive any length
of time and the universe is populated with little versions of me. The human race collapses, but not
before ruining the planet they're inhabiting.
[Vbiquity] All we need is a world run by a bunch of inbread zePs..
[nikki] bye bye world
[Nattie] will they have five arms?
[zeP] It's a self-destructive attitude ON GOD'S LEVEL. AhHhahahahhhahah! Ahahahahah!
[nikki] probably
[zeP] Bow before me.
* starduster ruins the planet..
[Vbiquity] And six noses. yes.
[zeP] I'm in love with myself.
[nikki] not a chance
[Nattie] is he on drugs?
[nikki] yep
* Vbiquity farts in zeP's general direction*
* starduster bows before zeP..
[nikki] or he ran out
[zeP] No.
[Nattie] i could have guessed that.
[zeP] I'm all tingly now.
02/01/02 Forest
[zeP] I'm all tingly inside.
[zeP] Like I just ate a bowl of bees.
[Nox] That's because I just kicked you in the nads paz
[zeP] The nads?
[Nox] Yup..The nads
[MsSummer] nads..isnt that a waxing thing for women?
[fraNk] who the hell ever made that up?
[fraNk] and called something for removing hair Nads???
[Nox] Yay for nads!
[RebootCat] crazy people
[fraNk] you would think she would have been smarter than that
[zeP] I think fraNk needs some Nads. *rubs his sack all over his hairy back*
[Nox] I would of called my self wax system ouch in a jar
[fraNk] So, if you have a little bit of facial hair you need to get rid of, you can borrow my
[zeP] That'll get the hair off.
[fraNk] that is so sick it's farking hilarious hehehe
[GypsyQueen] Ewww. God fraNk must you be SO vulgar??? *LOL*
[Nox] I don't like body hair..It's wrong
[zeP] I think if the product was called Prebubesent Nads, we might believe it's hairlessness.
[fraNk] does it actually work???
[fraNk] makes me wish I was flexible enough to use Nads on my face
[fraNk] but then if I was that flexible I would never leave the house *nods*
[Nox] haha nads on face
[fraNk] did I say nods? I mean NADS
[zeP] fraNk wants to T-bag himself.
02/01/02 Forest
[AshenSouls] Well there you go. You are in desperate need of something called REAL
LIFE. Real life is a drag and it sucks, but it's better than the fake real life alamak presents
[fraNk] I love ALamak
[fraNk] who is saying it's not real??? OH GOD!!!
* fraNk cries
[Nox] It isn't fraNk. Unless you think text is real.
[fraNk] IT IS REAL
[Nox] Okay okay. Relax you
[AshenSouls] Hahaha ...
[WakkoWarner] its funny when you cry frank .. it makes me laugh
[WakkoWarner] *******
[fraNk] Its even funnier when I run over you with my tractor Wakko
[fraNk] preferably when I'm pulling a large plow behind it
02/01/02 Forest
*** silver (65.193.99) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as silver enters the
clearing between the trees.
[Jesusie] silver as in our silver from way way back?
[fraNk] someone has a silver back?
[fraNk] I would say it is not only illegal to own a gorilla but I must point out that it is very
[fraNk] the silverback is very territorial, aggressive, and prone to being violent to all your
[fraNk] so unless you own Samsonite suitcases, do NOT ever own a silverback
[Jesusie] no no we do not allow the gorillas to play with the lions in this circus
* fraNk dances around and mingles with the Forest people *hi there I'm fraNk *eats an
appetizer and smiles*
02/04/02 Forest
[GypsyQueen] blinding moments of ecstacy are soooo cool, especially when on the hood of
a subaru in the woods....
[fraNk] or by myself in a bathtub?
[fraNk] I think I'm naked
[fraNk] I don't know yet but I might be
[fraNk] I'm going to go buy a nudity test tonite and find out
[azureblue] frank - those nudity tests can be so unreliable
[fraNk] yah
[fraNk] I'm going to use a really good nudity test
[fraNk] there is one that gives you a plus or a minus
[fraNk] the plus means you are naked
[fraNk] the minus means you are clothed
[fraNk] it's supposed to be 99 percent reliable
[Jesusie] best nudity test is to come over and see me, if i scream, you are naked
* Jesusie giggles and paddles fraNk's naked ass
[azureblue] but what if you have a towel on, what then-confusion!
*** nakedcote (141.117.243) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as nakedcote
enters the clearing between the trees.
* nakedcote comes over to see Jesusie..
[Jesusie] eep!
[fraNk] WOAH
[fraNk] someone better give that cote the nudity test NOW
[fraNk] unless he is at least 3 months naked, then he is probably beginning to show
[azureblue] premature nakedness, however, can be extremely serious
[fraNk] drinking while you are naked can cause complications with the nudity
[fraNk] sometimes drinking while naked can lead to others getting naked at the same time
[azureblue] however, playing music to your naked body can help to soothe it
* nakedcote covers himself up..
*** nakedcote is now known as coteinabarrrel.
* coteinabarrrel seems incapable of spelling properly..
02/06/02 Forest
[fraNkemup] woah, my nose is filled with treasure!!!
[fraNkemup] they are huge, crunchy, and downright dare I say YUMMY?
[JimiGnomeIndie] Oh, you daren't.
[Everyone] OMG....HAHA
[Ravinos] please dont fraNk....
[Everyone] Yummmmy!
*** fraNkemup is now known as fraNkenzy.
* fraNkenzy flicks a 14 oz booger at Jimi
* JimiGnomeIndie releases a 750psi fart at fluNk.
* fraNkenzy spits a 0 degree kelvin loogi on jimi
* JimiGnomeIndie extrudes an 80 dB belch unto flaNk.
*** Everyone is now known as frAnk.
[frAnk] HAHA
[fraNkenzy] ACK!!
[frAnk] I see no one thinks I'm funny
[JimiGnomeIndie] WHAT?????
[frAnk] HAHA
[JimiGnomeIndie] No more nystery for you, young wookie.
* fraNkenzy urinates on Jimi putting him "2 Leagues Under The Pee"
[frAnk] I wonder what the big "A" symbolizes?
* JimiGnomeIndie puts a hand over his heart and gazes into the sky* It symbolizes...
AMERICA. *Star Spangled Banner starts to play as a giant American flag waves behind everyone*
[frAnk] Hey that is pretty snazzy Jimi! Thanks!
[JimiGnomeIndie] Ooh say can you see, I am frowned in fraNk's pee?
* fraNkenzy watches as Neil Diamond sings the national anthem
*** fraNkenzy is now known as annabellee.
*now realize at this point fraNk and annabellee have switched places*
*annabellee jumps into Bren's lap and suckles him like a mewborn calf
*** frAnk is now known as fraNkenfurter.
[fraNkenfurter] HAHA
* annabellee makes loud slurpy noises so that everyone including the librarian come over
and watch and cheer
[Ravinos] * LMAO*
[fraNkenfurter] *ROTLMFAO*
* annabellee takes off her shirt and rubs her breasts against his arching twitching stiff beast
of animal desire
[JimiGnomeIndie] Colonel Commandguy McRadiospeak: "Get out of there! It's gonna
blow! *bzzt*"
* Ravinos cant type
* annabellee slides out of her jeans and panties and sits on Ravinos' face *OH GOD I NEED
[fraNkenfurter] *LOL*
[fraNkenfurter] OMG that is funny.
* annabellee screams at the top of her lungs as his skilled spelunking tongue invades her
velvety cave of exploding desire *AHEYEYYYYYYEYEYEYEEYEYEYEYEEEE OH GOD*
[JimiGnomeIndie] Wow. A Xena war cry. Quimby.
[fraNkenfurter] Bren is so red in the face he can't even breathe
[JimiGnomeIndie] Hey, who's the sexbomb?
[lleN] Me.
[lleN] I am.
[fraNkenfurter] Hi Nell
[fraNkenfurter] *looks like a deer caught in the headlights*
[lleN] And WHY do you look so guilty? What have you been doing while I was away,
[lleN] Shall I punish you now?
[fraNkenfurter] Err
[lleN] What?
[fraNkenfurter] Umm
[JimiGnomeIndie] Oh... this pineapple soda tastes even better than jonny's clitoris.
[annabellee] that's it I can no longer take it *sits her hubby up in the chair and guides his
meaty skin rocket into her silky hot moist sheath, riding him, taking her trusty steed to new heights of
unbridled bareback passion *faster faster faster ugh yes oh god you are the greatest!!!!*
* annabellee can no longer take it, gasping loudly and insanely as she is taken over the edge
by the most talented purple headed warrior this side of the rockies!!! *AHHHHHHHHHHHH*
[Ravinos] wow
* annabellee comes down from the mountain tops with a smile on her face and several
stunned onlookers in the library
[JimiGnomeIndie] Ha, ha, ha.
[annabellee] whew *puts her shirt back on* okay, I'm hungry, who's up for Taco Bell???
* annabellee walks out the front door with no pants on
[fraNkenfurter] Geez, that anna is a real slut. *S*
* fraNkenfurter flashes his cock at anna. LICK THIS!
[annabellee] that cock is nothing compared to my snugglebunny's cock!!!! SO SUCK IT
* fraNkenfurter runs around the forest flapping wildly.
[JimiGnomeIndie] Funny, he never has a second cup of coffee and tells anyone to lick his
Phallus McBeefmissile at home...
[fraNkenfurter] <---------- has a 13" incher waitin for ya!~
[fraNkenfurter] girthy
[JimiGnomeIndie] That's quite an impressive cirCUMference.
[annabellee] hey Nox *winks* I will let you in on some hot hot action with me and my
baby, if you are willing to pay the right price
[annabellee] right now the going rate is 143,000 dollars on Ebay
[Ravinos] one million dollars
[annabellee] woah, a million?
[annabellee] damn, must be Wakko offering up a ton of cash, I told her last time no
* fraNkenfurter plays with Nox's titties *
* Nox blushes*
[annabellee] Jimi, I think you are sexy
[JimiGnomeIndie] That's hardly an original idea.
*** Jesusie (206.107.252) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as Jesusie enters
the clearing between the trees.
[annabellee] hello Jesusie!! *licks your nipples and fondles your buttocks* hehehe